"Pilot" is the series premiere of the Fox sitcom ''Raising Hope''. The episode was written by series creator, Greg Garcia and directed by Michael Fresco. The episode premiered September 21, 2010, on the Fox television network. In the episode, 15 year old girl e, going out to get bubble gum ice-cream, has a one-night stand with a serial killer, resulting in an illegitimate daughter that the mother, Lucy Carlyle, names Princess Beyoncé. When Lucy is convicted of murder and executed, he gets custody of their 6-month-old daughter. He is initially convinced he will be able to raise her on his own; but eventually his family helps out, renaming the baby Hope. According to Nielsen Media Research, came fourth in its timeslot with a 3.1 rating/8% share in the 19-49 demographic the highest rating for the series. ==Plot== After having an affair with a girl named Lucy (Bijou Phillips), 23-year-old Jimmy Chance (Lucas Neff) ends up with a baby. They meet when Jimmy is driving near his house and she runs and enters his van, pleading him to drive away from the man chasing her. He drives her to his house, and in gratitude has a one-night stand with him. The next day, while Lucy is in the bathroom, he and his family hear from the news a picture of Lucy and the news reporter saying that Lucy is a serial killer who murders her boyfriends. The report is shifted to the man who was running after Lucy the night before, who claims that he chased Lucy because she tried to strangle him with her shoelace before she ran to another man's car, and wishes Jimmy luck. The news changes and Lucy enters to eat breakfast, but is hit with the TV by Jimmy's mom, who orders him to call the police. Eight months later, Lucy calls him into prison, where she reveals that she is pregnant. She happily tells him that she won't be electrocuted because of her pregnancy but dies in the electric chair after she gives birth. Jimmy and their baby watch. After, Jimmy's parents do not want him to keep the baby, named Princess Beyonce, as it is a big burden. The bulk of the show continues with Jimmy trying to prove to be a good parent. This almost fails, until his parents volunteer to help. At the end of the Episode, they name her Hope. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Pilot (Raising Hope)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク